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Henrie Haldane

Henrie Haldane

Born in the UK, I have lived In the Canary Islands, Tarifa -Andalucia for many years & for the last few years Mallorca.

I studied General Art & Design at York college of Arts & a  BA Hons Design degree at Staffordshire University. I also studied Printmaking & Photography in London.

‘Painting is my oxygen, my passion’

My paintings are abstract, from my imagination, full of passion & soul. They continue to evolve - a constant exploration of colour, texture, depth & light.

I experiment with a variety of mixed media materials, including Metallics, Imitation Leaf, Varnishes, oils & acrylics.

My inspiration comes from Music, travel, photography & a love of nature : The sea & the elements are key to my inspiration.

My work continues to be collected & exhibited worldwide & I have worked with numerous Art consultants & Interior designers on projects.

For more information: / +34 608258537.

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