Claudia Keupen

“Art has the power to question the outer world and make inner truths visible. „ (Claudia Keupen)
Claudia Keupen (Traunstein 1971) is the winner of the "Artists of Mallorca" 2023 art prize. Her large-format abstract painting "Poem to the ocean", inspired by poetry by the Persian poet Rumi, was selected by the jury. She lives as an artist and art teacher in Palma.
EDUCATION: Graduated in History of Art (Magister Artium) UNIVERSITY LUDWIG-MAXIMILIAN, MUNIC EXAMINED IN FREE PAINTNG Academy of Art, KA Bad Reichenhall (with Jo Bukowski) FREE ARTISTIC STUDIES with Stephan Geisler, Peter Casagrande
Poetry in any form is an important source of inspiration for the artist. Words and word fragments appear in her art as visible signs, but are messages that lie beyond language. Her works are "painted poems."
Claudia Keupen works in a multidisciplinary way. Her work, exhibited internationally, includes abstract large-format painting and contemporary portraiture as well as digital art.
“Kunst hat die Kraft, die äußere Welt zu hinterfragen und innere Wahrheiten sichtbar zu machen. “(Claudia Keupen)
Claudia Keupen (Traunstein 1971) ist Gewinnerin des Kunstpreises der “Artists of Mallorca” 2023.
Mit ihrem großformatigen abstrakten Gemälde “Poem to the ocean”, inspiriert von Poesie des persischen Dichters Rumi, wurde sie von der Jury ausgewählt. Sie lebt als Künstlerin und Kunstlehrerin in Palma.
Akademische Bildung:
Studium der Kunstgeschichte, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München
Freie Malerei, Kunstakademie Bad Reichenhall
Die Poesie ist in jeder Form eine wichtige Inspirationsquelle für die Künstlerin. Worte und Wortfragmente erscheinen in ihrer Kunst als sichtbare Zeichen, sind aber Botschaften, die jenseits der Sprache liegen. Ihre Werke sind “painted poems.”
Claudia Keupen arbeitet multidisziplinär. Ihr Werk, international ausgestellt, umfasst abstrakte großformatige Malerei und zeitgenössische Porträtmalerei sowie digitale Kunst.
Poems to the Ocean No 2
Oil on Canvas
195 cm x 130 cm
Don´t wait any longer.
Dive in the ocean, leave and let the sea be you.

Kate Moss
Oil von Canvas
114 x 114 cm
Not fragile like a flower Fragile like a bomb (Frida Kahlo)
Poems to the ocean No 3
Oil on Canvas
195 x 130 cm
You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean in one drop.

Part of the Series "Skyfall"
I'm loving angels instead
Oil on Canvas
65 cm x 90cm
I look above.
And I know that I´ll always be blessed with love.

Oil on Canvas
65 cm x 90 cm
From the series "Painted Lyrics"
Mixed media or digital art on paper
38 cm x 38 cm each
Painted Lyrics in an art project in December 2023 by Claudia Keupen. The poetry and meaning of different song lyrics are the inspiration for this series, which consists of 30 works in a format of ca 38 x 38 cm. Abstract works on paper and figurative digital works are dedicated to the spirit of the song that is hidden behind the words and the music.